Python Properties

Beyond Graduation

Beyond Graduation

Venue: Cargo Fleet
When: 28/02/2019 – 03/04/2019
Admission: FREE

Launching with a private view on Thursday 28th February 2019, 5-7pm “Beyond Graduation” promises to be an exciting and eclectic exhibition, bringing together 29 artists that have graduated from Teesside University since 2007:
What started off as a conversation at a previous exhibition opening, “Beyond Graduation” became a curious and provocative proposal for a diverse display. Hugely lead by the talented artist Julie Macbean, this exhibition will bring together 29 individual arts graduates – all with their own unique style and technique,  to showcase their work & demonstrate how it has developed and progressed since their education at Teesside University.
The opening offers a great opportunity to meet the artists and ask any questions about the work displayed over drinks and nibbles.

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