“Angel & Engineers” Exhibition Opening
The next exhibition opening at The Heritage Gallery:
Angels & Engineers
By Hugh Melvin
Thursday 6th December
5pm until 7pm
All welcome to attend the opening, which offers a great opportunity to meet Hugh over drinks & nibbles and ask any questions you may have about the photographs on display.
Photography has always been a part of Hugh’s life. Since the early years when he ‘borrowed’ his father’s camera and used up all his film – photographing his model trains! Growing up, Hugh worked in black & white film and then made the inevitable move to colour digital. He packed away his attic darkroom, but still retained his love of monochrome.
Hugh says:
“Having spent my career as an engineer, I started to look at ways in which I could capture the skills and environment of engineers working in our area. I have been fortunate to be given access to businesses, both large and small. The people I have met have been friendly, knowledgeable and usually spiced with a good helping of wit!
Photographically, there are considerable technical challenges in this project and I hope the small selection of images shows a few of the enterprises and the people who work in them, in a favourable light.
The theme of Angels came about by chance while I was walking through Saltburn Cemetery and was immediately struck by the combination of strength and poignancy from one of the statues. I have tried to show – always in a respectful way – photos which capture the unique mood of such places.
A third theme I have explored and included in this exhibition is Urbex (urban exploration), which is a distinctive branch of photography and in it’s purest form is for the brave and bold. My take on Urbex is more measured and I’ve been given access to various places in and around Middlesbrough where the decaying interiors have their own colour palette and interest.”