Bill harris atists Talk
Bill harris atists Talk
I would like to invite you to a Free Artists Talk by the current exhibitor Bill Harris on Monday 10th March at 3pm.
(Please Note This date replaces the provisionally advertised talk of 24th February)
The talk will provide a great opportunity to see Bill’s work and to gain an insight into his working methods and creative practice.
Bill’s current show at pythongallery is titled Jazz and Pizazz. It features examples of his work on canvas and paper. utilising the flat but vibrant colour surfaces produced with acrylic paint, Bills work has a simplicity of form and colour that is intense and engaging. He has exhibited extensively, regionally and internationally including shows in Germany, South Korea and in the European Parliament in Brussels.
It promises to be an insightful and interesting event, and we hope you will be able to attend.
Please RSVP so that we can confirm numbers.
Please fell free to pass on this information to your contacts.