Python Properties



Venue: pythongallery
When: 03/12/2014 – 05/01/2015
Admission: Free

pythongallery wishes you all a

Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Please note that the gallery will be closed over the festive period from Tuesday 23rd December until Monday 5th January.

Glossary: How and Why Artists Make Prints’

A Northern Print Touring Exhibition funded through Arts Council England’s Strategic Touring Fund.

Background and context

Glossary: How and Why Artists Make Prints’ is an exhibition and community engagement project focussed around 12 key print processes. The project is not intended to provide ‘how to’ guides to printmaking, but is rather about the individual ideas and motivations of each of the 7 selected artists represented in the exhibition.

The artists and print processes represented in the exhibition are:

1.    Katherine Jones: etching/collagraph

2.    Rachael Clewlow: screenprint/digital print

3.    Julian Meredith: woodcut/direct print

4.    Hilary Paynter: wood engraving

5.    Tom Hammick: monoprint/drypoint

6.    Stephen Chambers: potato print/lithography

7.    Bridget Jones: linocut/letterpress

Short films

Showing alongside the exhibition is a series of short, specially commissioned films, each one focussing on one of the seven artists, their prints and the process/es they use. The films focus on each artist’s practice and look at why, as well as how the artists make prints. The Films can be accessed online by scanning the codes on each works label with a compatible mobile device.

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