Python Properties

Margaret Williams Exhibition

Margaret Williams Exhibition

Venue: pythongallery
When: 23/04/2016 – 03/06/2016
Admission: Free

By Popular Demand we have extended this show until 3rd June. Come along and see a  truely amazing exhibition that crosses the boarders of fine art and work perceived as craft
We would cordially like to invite you to the next amazing private view at pythongallery.
On Saturday 23rd April we launch an incredible exhibition by the very talented Margaret Williams entitled ‘Drawn Threads’
The exhibition features selections from the various strands of Margaret’s multi faceted career which illustrate through her engagement with textiles, drawing, mixed media and photography how an ever changing and mercurial perspective can positively alter and transform an artist’s creative practice beyond the limitations of working in one idiom.
Refreshments will be provided by our great in gallery partners T P CoffeeHouse, so come along and help us celebrate this exciting and rewarding show.

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