“Teesside’s Industrial Gladiators – British Steel Revisited” Exhibition Opening
We would like to invite you to attend the opening of the next exhibition at The Heritage Gallery:
“Teesside’s Industrial Gladiators – British Steel Revisited”
Thursday 30th June 2016, 4.00pm – 6.00pm
An exhibition of the importance of Teesside’s Industrial Gladiators, commemorating the hard working people of both the steel and chemical industries in the North East.
This collaborative exhibition brings together paintings by Brian Collins, reflecting the heavy industry and the hard working people within it, alongside British Steel memorabilia and old/new photographs collated by Janet Jeffrey and The Heritage Gallery.
Working as a fitter and then a maintenance planner for over 40 years in the petrochemical industry in Teesside, Brian has had first hand insight into how it works and the characters who run it. His paintings convey these “Industrial Gladiators” and the battle to keep the plants maintained day by day.
Janet has been collating memorabilia and photographs of the steelworks within Teesside, and with TATA now being renamed British Steel, feels it’s a great time to remember the historic iconic past of Teesside steel making, “from the very first slab to the men who brought steel making to Redcar”.
With Cargo Fleet once being the headquarters of British Steel in Teesside, we would like to encourage people to bring along any memorabilia they may have relating to the steelworks and share these and your personal experiences with us during the opening of the exhibition.
Parking and entry are free and refreshments will be provided.
Hope to see you there.