“The Boro, Town & Country” Exhibition Opening
We would like to invite you to attend the following exhibition opening at The Heritage Gallery:
“The Boro, Town & Country”
by Philip Meadows
Thursday 12th April 2018, 5pm – 7pm.
Philip Meadows says:
“The Teesside in which I grew up, has for many of us, changed beyond recognition. The skyline is no longer filled by industry and smoke and it has to be said – the pollution that was created.
Travelling on the trolleybus through South Bank into Middlesbrough I was familiar with the Coke Ovens belching steam, the Clay Lane Blast Furnaces emitting orange dust that coated washing hanging on lines in the back alleys and the Tees bustling with ship yards and ports. I believed it would all last forever. Serving the industries were the characters on their bikes, such as my father, off to work in his old army greatcoat, old service gas mask bag containing their bait slung over their shoulder. When Saturday came the passion was football and the pilgrimage to Ayresome Park to stand in the Holgate and watch the Boro.
Teesside was a stark contrast to the summer months I spent on my mother’s family farm, closely observing industry of a different kind. I realise now that I had an artistic talent for observation.
If my farm paintings featuring my dogs Jess and Belle or the Ayresome Park and industry portayals are melancholic and represent a bygone era, then I am in good company. John Constables much loved paintings represent the rural idyll of his youth, not the steam and smoke of the industrial revolution and the age in which he was painting.”
We do hope you can make it to the opening and look forward to seeing you there. It’s a great opportunity to meet Philip and ask any questions you may have about the work displayed.
Parking & entry are FREE and refreshments will be provided during the opening.