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Archived Heritage Gallery at Cargo Fleet

“Souvenirs of Southbank Street” Rita Readman

Posted on: November 16th, 2020 by admin

Venue: The Heritage Gallery at Cargo Fleet
When: 12/09/2020 – 16/10/2020
Admission: FREE

“Souvenirs of Southbank Streets”
Rita Readman Presents:
“The Bright Side”
Opening: Saturday 12th September 2020
Between 10am and 1pm
Exhibition runs until Friday 16th October 2020. The gallery is open Monday – Friday, 8.30am until 2.00pm (currently), check website for updates.
If you are coming along to the opening, could you please let us know so that we can get a rough idea of numbers –
Also a gentle reminder to follow government guidelines in regards to social distancing and the wearing of face masks, please bring one along with you.
Rita’s latest body of work “Souvenirs of Southbank Streets” are inspired by her childhood memories of playing in King and Queen Street in Southbank where she grew up. Reminiscent of the streets free from traffic, her paintings depict childhood games from the 40s, when and where children could play games and have great fun in their playground on their doorstep.
Rita loves the use of colour. Her “Bright Lights” paintings came about from her love and practice of making stained glass pieces. The vibrant colours and dark outlines became part of a new way of painting for her and has evolved over the past ten years. The use of bright colours uplift the senses and bring a happiness and joy to the pieces.
Rita says:
“I love experimenting with a variety of media, I get so much pleasure and happiness when I work – my goal is to share that with others and feel it is what I am on this earth to fulfil.”

A Middlesbrough Lad – Philip Meadows

Posted on: November 16th, 2020 by admin

Venue: The Heritage Gallery at Cargo Fleet
When: 27/07/2020 – 04/09/2020
Admission: FREE

We are pleased to announce that the exhibition which was due to open back in March until the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, will now be opening at The Heritage Gallery:
A Middlesbrough Lad –
Philip Meadows
Saturday 1st August 2020
Between 10am and 1pm
If you are coming along, could you please let us know so that we can get a rough idea of numbers.
Also a gentle reminder to follow government guidelines in regards to social distancing and the wearing of face masks, bring one along with you.
The opening offers a great opportunity to meet Philip and ask any questions you may have about the work. Refreshments and a bit of brunch will be provided by Iron Co Coffee House.
On leaving school in 1977 Philip went into ICI as an apprentice, staying with the company for 22 years. Interested in art, Philip won a paid scholarship enabling him to study art at Cleveland Art College before going on to complete a Degree in Fine Art at Sunderland University. Philip went into teaching in 1999 and has taught Art and Design Technology, before leaving in 2018 to devote more time to his painting.
Philip says:
I have lived in Eston all of my life with the panorama of the Teesside landscape as a backdrop. I went to school in Grangetown and was familiar with the steelworks and the Coke Ovens outside of the school gates. My pals and I would often dodge the coal trucks being shunted to the Coke Ovens when we went to the chippy at lunchtime. The sights and sounds I grew up with, the closeness of heavy industry both as an observer and worker, the characters and gadgies I saw daily and of course going to watch the Boro on a weekend with my older brother have all influenced my art.
Ayresome Park set amongst the terrace houses was the focus for the town and its identity, even if you did not follow footy. The conversation starter at the barbers was always how do you think they’ll do on Saturday? How many times on holiday when conversing with a stranger did you hear the phrase they’re not doing very well are they? Times weren’t easy and choice was often limited, the rented telly only had three channels, the shops shut on a Sunday and anxiety was a place in Turkey that the Brits wouldn’t visit until years later. These experiences formed a tapestry of daily life now fast disappearing and a rich vein of source material so I hope you enjoy my melancholy, rose tinted views of a Teesside as it was.

Back to The Beginning

Posted on: November 16th, 2020 by admin

Venue: Cargo Fleet
When: 11/05/2020 – 10/07/2020
Admission: FREE


With the COVID-19 lockdown still in full swing and with great uncertainty about when restrictions will be lifted, The Heritage Gallery remains closed in line with government guidelines.

We would like to thank everyone that has exhibited in the past and all the visitors who have continued to show their support for the gallery and artists exhibiting.

We hope to continue our programme of events once the lockdown has been lifted, hopefully in the not too distant future, but for now, we are going to take a look back at where The Heritage Gallery started and the exhibitions we have had so far since opening back in 2011.

First Exhibition at The Heritage Gallery at Cargo Fleet which launched 8th June 2011.

First 2 Photography Exhibitions at The Heritage Gallery

The first photography exhibition at the gallery showcased the work of two local photographers, Jason Hynes and Michael Guess, whose images capture the region’s industrial landscape and the working man within it.


Curator Jodie said: “Both series of photographs capture Teesside’s strong industrial links, reminiscent of its past and hopeful for its future. This is a fantastic and insightful exhibition and is also incredibly potent considering the rebirth of steel making in the region.”

Jason Hynes’ collection of photographs portrayed an in-depth look at ‘the road’, looking at the mystery and fascination about how a stretch of road can transport you out of the everyday.

“With my interpretation I leave the images in the road to tell their story, I want the viewers to think for themselves and build upon the images that they see, to create a story or narrative with their own imaginations,” said James.

The work explored the relationship between the landscape and the people who live within it. He was particularly interested in the cause and effect between people and their environment; objects, buildings and how landscapes are altered by the presence of people and society.

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Michael’s 12 photographs in the exhibition told the story of what was thought to be the end of steel making on Teesside in 2010. Whilst working at the Continuous Casting Plant in Lackenby, where he had been employed for more than 28 years, he captured the last few months of production.


His work not only portrays the history of the steel works but also the beauty of working in heavy industry, something that is not often seen.

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The second photography exhibition continued with more images by Michael Guess and Stephen Gill.


Stephen Gill – Corus Coke Works, Redcar, 2008

Taken at night, the images, rich in colour and eerily empty, explore spaces within the normally restricted plant at Redcar which houses the coke ovens and furnaces.

Previously exhibited in ‘Steel Life’ at Dorman Museum, the photographs were part of a larger project which explores aspects of Teesside’s heavy industrial heritage.

Originally from Teesside, Stephen specialises in photographing architectural space and has exhibited across the UK and Europe.


Visit his website to see some of the beautiful images that was displayed:

To see more of the exhibitions displayed at the gallery over the years, visit our Facebook page by clicking HERE or go to the exhibitions tab at the top of the website and click on past.


“Fragility” & “Fantasy” and Anna Jasinek Exhibitions

Posted on: November 16th, 2020 by admin

Venue: The Heritage Gallery at Cargo Fleet
When: 20/02/2020 – 10/05/2020
Admission: FREE



Thank you to everyone who has exhibited and all the visitors who have continued to show their support for the gallery and artists exhibiting. We hope to continue our programme of events once the lockdown has been lifted, hopefully in the not too distant future.

We are in the process of developing ways in which to bring the exhibitions to you online – watch videos of the last exhibition below.

 in the meantime, stay home and keep safe.  

“Fragility” and “Fantasy” by Bob Mc Avoy & Geoff Bradshaw
In this exhibition, Bob explores the subject of “Fragility” meaning – the quality of being easily broken or damaged.

Geoff displays his “Fantasy” composite images, which is an image that uses a combination of multiple photographs in one composition.

Anna Jadwiga Balinska Jasinek
An exhibition of ceramics, paintings & crafts
Celebrating her 86th birthday on the day of the exhibition opening, Anna has a fantastic collection of ceramics, paintings and crafts that she has created later in life. Originally from Poland, Anna is inspired by the flower-filled countryside in which she grew up, often portraying Poland’s national flower symbol – the poppy, which is now also the symbol of sacrifice in war and remembrance.

The Therapy of Art – The Art of Therapy

Posted on: November 16th, 2020 by admin

Venue: The Heritage Gallery at Cargo Fleet
When: 16/01/2020 – 14/02/2020
Admission: FREE

“The Therapy of Art – The Art of Therapy”
“Impressions of the North” by Barbara Renton Wood
Opening: Thursday 16th January 2020, 5-7pm

Sometimes words can’t be used or found to describe thoughts and feelings, but the process involved in art making can help people deal with both mental and physical health difficulties that life throws at them. This exhibition brings together Brain Box – a collection of boxes that conveys each individual’s experience of living with Parkinson’s disease, along with several art psychotherapists – who use art making processes to help others that may struggle with communication to express themselves. Both of which, through the medium of art, share their experiences with you.

The opening offers a great opportunity to meet the artists and ask any questions you may have over drinks and nibbles.

In the main gallery:

Brain Box (exhibited in 2013) – this collection of 40 boxes was inspired and curated by Jan Sopher, who herself lives and deals with Parkinson’s disease. Each box reflects the creators experiences of this life changing illness, giving people an insight and raising awareness of Parkinson’s.

Art psychotherapists have both an understanding of art processes and are qualified therapists. They work with individuals and groups in residential and community settings, including schools, on hospital wards and in prisons.

Art Psychotherapists take the lead from the client. The approach is non directive and the client is encouraged to explore for themselves how making art can help.
The art psychotherapists work in a number of different clinical areas, including forensic, eating disorders, learning disability services, with children and adults and also in the psychosis service. Patients are referred for art psychotherapy by the members of the teams that the art psychotherapist is employed into.

Meet the art psychotherapists:

John Rogers – Private Sector (Specialist Psychological Trauma Psychotherapist)
Sandra Goody – LDCAMHS and CAMHS Teeswide service

Pat Hodgson – adult mental health, Stockton

Andy Walker – psychosis service, Durham, Darlington and Teesside

Shaun Wassall – Forensic Mental Health – Primrose Service at HMP Low Newton and Roseberry Park Hospital

In our new temporary space on the ground floor:

Barbara Renton Wood – originally from Middlesbrough, Barbara has developed her own impressionist style inspired by Len Tabner and the Northern Industrial sources, including sea and landscape. She also has a passion for flowers and her loose & contemporary style and vibrancy of colours is unique. Barbara’s preferred medium is water colour, often adding textures and mixed media.

“Over the Border and Beyond” Exhibition by Richard Clayton

Posted on: November 16th, 2020 by admin

Venue: Cargo Fleet
When: 05/12/2019 – 10/01/2020
Admission: FREE

The next exhibition opening at The Heritage Gallery:
“Over the Border and Beyond”
by Richard Clayton
Thursday 5th December 2019
Between 5pm and 7pm
In 1976, teenage photographer Richard Clayton first went ‘over the border’ (the local name for the St Hilda’s area of old Middlesbrough), whilst he attended Teesside College of Art and was drawn to the Old Town Hall, as painted by L.S.Lowry in 1959. St Hilda’s is the oldest part of the town and was the centre of commerce and industry. By the late 1970’s, it was becoming more derelict with fewer residents living there, but it had a strong self-reliant community that Richard captured in black and white.
Now based in Skelton, Richard has had a varied career in photography, starting out with Industrial and Commercial Photography with a Teesside firm, to working in studios & photographic labs and also teaching photography to others. Richard has had much of his work published and exhibited in several galleries throughout the region. There is a book to go alongside the exhibition titled “Over the Border and Beyond”.
This exhibition covers St Hilda’s from 1976 to the present day, focusing on the many changes that have taken place in that time, to the point now where the old Town Hall is in an endangered state and what remains is a few visible graves and grassland.
The meaning of the word ‘Beyond’, in this exhibition, opens avenues of other projects – a series of photographs in Stockton on Holme farm, which now the site of the prison off Portrack Lane taken in the 1980’s, along with pub scenes in Stockton of a similar era. Photographs of Ireland, Germany, Poland and East Cleveland & Teesside.
We do hope you can make it to the opening, which offers a great opportunity to meet Richard and ask any questions about the photographs on display over drinks and nibbles provided by the lovely Iron Co Coffee House.
And who knows, you may spot yourself or relatives of that era, so please feel free to pass this invitation on to whoever you feel will be interest

“The Art of Ageing” Exhibition by Aim4art

Posted on: November 16th, 2020 by admin

Venue: The Heritage Gallery at Cargo Fleet
When: 24/10/2019 – 29/11/2019
Admission: FREE

“The Art of Ageing” by Aim4art
Aim4art celebrate their tenth anniversary this year, after forming in 2009 by four foundation course students, who wanted to pursue the arts after finishing their study at Cleveland College of Art & Design.

Realising that they are all 10 years older than when they first set out, (how time flies) and still doing what they love – creating and sharing their work, they thought they would celebrate with this group exhibition.

Reflections of their thoughts and feelings will be displayed on canvas wall hangings, as well a range of works from each artist in various mediums.


“We’ve been together 10 years now, can’t believe it! The group’s work has developed beyond belief, but I think it’s the friendships that have developed most of all.”


“Love my time with Aim4art, we have aged together as people and artists, hopefully leaving our carbon imprint with the work we produce.”


“A whole day to paint and be creative, what a gift! And then to share that time with like-minded people who all support and encourage each other.”

Meeting every Tuesday, the group support each other throughout their art practice to develop and improve their skills and ambitions.

“Elements” by John Devlin

Posted on: November 16th, 2020 by admin

Venue: Cargo Fleet
When: 19/09/2019 – 18/10/2019
Admission: FREE


Launching with an opening event on Thursday 19th september 2019, between 5pm and 7pm, The Heritage Gallery presents:
“Elements” by John Devlin
Born and raised in Scotland, John moved south at the end of schooling during the heatwave of 1976. At that time, photography was not on his list of pastime activities. Football, golf and ice hockey lead the way together with a full-time apprenticeship. However, that was to change after viewing a portfolio of black & white prints belonging to a family member. Since then and for almost forty years, he’s been pressing the shutter, shooting both professionally and as a hobbyist. Like many successful image makers, John has moved with the times. Gone are the days of film, chemicals and dimly lit darkrooms; the comfort of a Lightroom and the digital era now take precedence.
Based in Teesside, the North York Moors and coastline are John’s playgrounds, not to mention North West Scotland, where the rugged coastline draws John and his wife Susan back time and again. His love of the outdoors is expressed in his personal style toward landscapes, recording land, sky and sea in a natural way.
John says:
“To be standing on the edge of the world, taking in the views of the moors, mountains and streams or breathing the salt air amidst deafening crashing waves, satisfies life’s simplest experiences. My goal is to record those senses, remember those feelings and ultimately share them through my photography with you the viewer.”
We do hope you can make it to the opening, which offers a great opportunity to meet John over drinks and nibbles and ask any questions about his artwork and photographs on display.
Exhibition runs until Friday 18th October 2019

“Putting the World to Rights” by Máire McSorley

Posted on: November 16th, 2020 by admin

Venue: Cargo Fleet
When: 15/08/2019 – 13/09/2019
Admission: FREE

All welcome to attend the next exhibition opening at The Heritage Gallery:
“Putting the World to Rights”
by Máire McSorley 
Thursday 15th August 2019 
Between 5pm and 7pm
Máire was born in Carrickmacross County Monaghan, Ireland, emigrating to North Ormesby in the late 1950’s as a child. She lived in Middlesbrough for over 30 years working in the town’s Law Centre and was an elected member of the Council.
Máire has created visual art throughout her life using a variety of traditional media – including pen & ink, watercolour, acrylic paint and photography. Since 2000 she has been experimenting and working in various forms of digital based media, incorporating a camera, scanner & basic paint programmes into her art toolbox. Artists have been experimenting since the 1970’s with how computers could help create and present their work, and digital technologies are now widely accepted as a new medium. Máire’s work sits within the New Media art movement.
The work on show in this exhibition titled “Putting the World to Rights” illustrates her knowledge of and respect for the history of Middlesbrough and its residents, from the perspective of an Irish economic migrant woman. Much of the work is figurative with a rich and nostalgic narrative and all works were made using a combination of traditional and new media.
The opening offers a great opportunity to meet Máire and ask any questions you may have about the work over drinks and nibbles.
We do hope to see you there and please feel free to pass this invitation on to anyone you feel may be interested.

“A Nod to Nature” by Julia Cutter

Posted on: November 16th, 2020 by admin

Venue: Cargo Fleet
When: 04/07/2019 – 09/08/2019
Admission: FREE

Launching with an opening on Thursday 4th July, 5pm until 7pm, The Heritage Gallery Presents:
“A Nod to Nature”
by Julia Cutter 
The opening offers a great opportunity to meet Julia over drinks & nibbles and ask any questions about the work displayed.
Julia has painted for many years, displaying work at various venues throughout the North East as a member of the art group – aim4art. This exhibition, being her first solo exhibition, is a personal challenge for Julia and a nod to nature.
She is passionate about the environment and has a love of colour, and this is what drives Julia to experiment with different styles and mediums, capturing images and moods within her work. Influenced by gardens around the world, as well as local flora and fauna, she has developed an awareness of how important these things are in the context of our environment.


Julia says:


“I paint because I like to. The subject is important, but the actual process of developing a piece of work is what inspires me; the sketches, the studies & observations, mixing the mediums, experimenting with colours and the mistakes on route is equally important. Being a part of a group like aim4art has nurtured all of this. The process is soul immersing and therapeutic. For me, it’s not about achieving a likeness or exactness, but more of a feeling. It has been a life long obsession that won’t go away.”


We do hope you can make it to the opening and look forward to seeing you there.

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